Pentagon Tiles Ltd – Harlow, Essex

Pentagon Tiles Ltd got in touch with us. They’re a company that specialises in the importing and distribution of ceramic, natural stone, marble and allied products, mostly tiles. The company made an online enquiry with us, requesting a full compressed air audit for their water-cutting machine – this is a highly specialised piece of equipment used for cutting large tiles. As you can imagine, it’s vital for their business, and they needed to be sure it was working as efficiently as it could.

Upon completing our audit, we presented the team at Pentagon Tiles with our recommendations. We explained that they’d get the most value out of installing a new compressor and distribution system – this would provide them with effective future-proofing if they wanted to increase their production. 

The old Clarke Air Industrial Compressor had sure seen some use over the years. We replaced it with a new Mark Compressor to ensure it was more cost-effective for the business

The team agreed, and we installed a new Mark rotary screw compressor that incorporated a refrigerated dryer mounted on an air receiver. This unit comes complete with a manufacturer’s five-year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for the customer.

A brand new Mark Compressor was installed at Pentagon Tiles

We also installed a new ring main pipework distribution system with Airnet aluminium pipework that terminated on each drop with a double PCL safety couplings. 

The new system ensured that Pentagon had a water-cutter that would work reliably and keep up with their fast-growing business. We put in place a full maintenance plan to ensure that the system would keep on working, and we could anticipate any issues before they affected the business.

Pipework installed from the compressor to power the water cutting tools.

The project took seven days from concept to installation, and resulted in absolutely no production downtime for Pentagon. We enjoyed the challenge of this timescale, giving the Pentagon team the system they needed as quickly and efficiently as possible.